Room for Me

I never knew I was black until I came to Miami. I had spent most of my childhood in Haiti, in a community that was already made for me and people like me. Though I understood there were social classes that dictated my place in society, I was comfortable knowing where I belonged. But when…

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No, Self-Love Won’t Make You a Narcissist

Show yourself some compassion. Show yourself some love. Every day we are encouraged to love ourselves and give ourselves grace, to make the practice of self-compassion part of our daily routine. But doesn’t all this talk of self-compassion and self-love place too much emphasis on the self—steering us away from developing compassion and empathy for…

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Is Loneliness Making You Sick? 5 Easy Ways to Improve Social Connections for a Longer and Happier Life


Did you know that loneliness is now considered a chronic illness? Because we are naturally social beings, we need others to share in our joys, accomplishments, and particularly our crises. It is well documented that isolation and lack of social interaction, which lead to anxiety and chronic stress, have been associated with higher risks for…

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